09 September 2010

interview day

just slept 2hOur
need early wake up tO interview
pity #(┬_┬)泣!
dunnO why cannOt cOmmunicate wit my dad
i said at titiwangsa mOnOrail drOp me,
but he drOped me at the nasianal library ε( ̄□ ̄)3||
dOn wan argue wit him,
i straight gO dOwn car
& take teksi gO meet mOsquitObabes,
haiz, izzit my porOblem? (TT__TT)
knew new frenz at there =D
we went tO boss hOuse SIERRAMAS,sg bulOh
briefing and interview
wOnderful Bungalow,Only rich ppl live
increase my view,
that reli great and beautiful
when i can live & Own? O(>,<")O
have 2 little children,
the cutely girls like me sO much
♥play wit me ♥fOllOw me =)
CUTE neh~

i miss tat cutely girls,
can i bring her back hOme?
waiting infOrm, hOpe will hire me
edit myself,stOry wit funny emOtiOn,
hOpe yOu can smile when see it ^^



  1. What job you interview for???Can count me in??Hahaha~I am jobless soon~Kakaka~

  2. Jayce >> ermm, beauty fair fOr nx week.
    but still waiting infOrm =\
    im jObless toO, have jOb tell me ya..=)
