29 july
mOrning went tO treatment my teeth
but changed remOved mine 2 big teeth (=.=“)
then cannOt dOnate bloOd =\
when at class,
all ask what gOing On me (⊙o⊙)?
but i cannOt speak well tat time lar (>,<)
lucky have translatOr^^
Pain Or nOt o.O??
actually nO pain,
but keep bleeding,
i felt sO geli ○( ̄﹏ ̄)○
tO9 gathering wit rainbOw laO pO O(∩_∩)O
let me drOve frOm my hOuse tO air panas
thanks bcOz truth me^^
goOd experienced(cOz first time drOve at nitez)
then we was enjOy S & S laO pO
sing shOw
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
reli nice~ =)
woO hoO~
<( ̄︶ ̄)/<( ̄︶ ̄)/<( ̄︶ ̄)/
happy time^^
Love yOu all ya~♥
*pic will uplOad soOn
30 July
Ha,mOrning went tO treatment again my teeth
then hang Out wit my baObei men
shOpping & mOvie
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
nice yea =D
secOnd rOund went tO juscO
actually is training my jOb
but cancel jOr >.<
AlthOugh my life is busy
but im enjOying
cheer ( ̄︶ ̄)↗