30 May 2011

Pirates Of The Caribbean 4

After class watched "Pirates of the caribbean 4" with 2 siao za bo,(1 is early back).
Amazing film, we're enjOyed, Captain Jack SparrOw is cuteee xD

Alright, alOt assignment are waiting fOr me :( but my mind Only thinking hOw earn mOney and play =.= stupid~

29 May 2011

Fast and Furious 5

Just finished movie "Fast and FuriOus 5", a lOng lOng time din't watch midnight mOvie. This mOvie are rOcking us, they're so man and have too much action in this film. Amazing :)  after watched this mOvie, mOtivate my moOd like tO drive, hehe. I shOuld imprOve my driving skill, becOme speeeed Queen? hahaha :P

I gOnna sleep nOw , tOmOrrOw still have jOb :(   GoOd night ya.

27 May 2011











22 May 2011

BrOga Hill

凌晨三点钟,大部分人都在熟睡吧?而我与同伴们正准备出发往broga hill爬山去了,哈哈,不错不错,很健康的活动。( ̄︶ ̄)
到达目的地已经四点多,摸黑爬山还是第一次,大家好像很兴奋,唯独我,闷不出声。为何?因为要留口气,呼吸~我不够气(平时不运动的后果#(┬_┬)!很差劲的我,大家都在等我,超慢的。还有个很吵得人,一直叫我名,搞到整个山头爬山者都懂我名了吧=.=?还有哦,他们一直骗我说要到了,一座又一座的( ̄▽ ̄@)~ 曾想放弃,爬一个山头已够,后来在大家的鼓励与欺骗下,我们终于到达最高山头~哈哈哈 不错,很有满足感。呼吸着早晨的新鲜空气,脑袋很清醒,烦恼通通淘之于脑后。虽然乌云遮住了日出,但是,还是看到充满新一天的天空。真的,没什么可以和大自然美景媲美了吧?传言的521末日,吓唬弄的吧?哈哈哈 上山没力气爬,下山怕跌到毁容,也许昨晚下过雨,泥土很滑,一踩错脚会连人滚下山吧?危险危险~大家都汗流侠背,邋邋遢遢的,庆幸我们都安全归来 :)

看图说故事会更有趣吧? 哈哈哈


Oh yes~





拖着疲惫的身躯,吃完早餐便回家补眠去了。是个很棒的体验。现在的我,腰酸背痛啊~来首The Climb吧~有关系咩?没有 哈哈哈哈哈哈

21 May 2011


Sometimes you have to smile and act like everything is okay, hold back the tears and walk away. ------ 有时候你不得不笑,表现得好像一切OK,然后,忍着眼泪走开。



18 May 2011

SingK@JasOn BufDay

Is a new semester starting, last semester fOr diplOma, all the title sOund Of subject is hard fOr me.○( ̄﹏ ̄)○
hOw the result last semester? Lucky I passes all, But I think I can dO mOre better ┐(─__─)┌  aiyO~ feeling blur blur @.@ right nOw, still went tO Sing-K have fun with my baObei gang and Michelle group classmate at Sg.wang Green BOx. This time has a different feel, they like HOT sOng, get the higher in the K-roOm. Oophs, fOrget tell that we're 'Incidentally' celebratiOn JasOn Birthday alsO, hahaha. A lOng lOng time dint have the grOup pic with classmate :D

YOuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ On the floOr* \( ̄︶ ̄)/\( ̄︶ ̄)/\( ̄︶ ̄)/

16 May 2011



肥肉,准备受死去吧~~muahahaha xD
你是花花世界里 限量版的花花蝴蝶
美女们只是比较豁出去 比较敢一点

快离开冬眠 赶快破茧
像灵魂出窍 甩平凡嘴脸

14 May 2011

Mist night

Oh yeah, finally went tO Mist club that many friend gave the goOd feedback, as they said, many sexy HOT gal there. Ambience still okay, nO raise me up intO dance cause the music feel let me felt abit disappOinted, nOt really crazy at all. Anyway, thanks to friend be Our bOuncer, loOk them really enjOyed tOnight and I met sOme new friend :)

''On The Floor'' sOng Of tOnight : 

Dance the night away
Live your life ,and stay young on the floor

08 May 2011

mOvita night

This time suddenly gO tO this club is fOr celebratiOn birthday and farewell party. This was my first time went tO this club, when we reach almost 12am, all was watching the football match
MU v.s Chelsea, Champion get by MU. when ended is the party time start :) Actually I just gO their listening music, I like the envirOnment, boOm boOm pOw ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ less dance Or drink (maybe Or I Old?) hahaha
*I'm nOt that type Of girl, dOn wOrry ya \(oo,)/
Okie, may be you all will more prefer view the pic than I write right?  hehehe

mOvita is lOcate at Sunway Giza mall,PJ.
EnvirOnment okay, look like pub?

This sweet cOuple is tOnight birthday and prepare flight tO england after end the party. The gal is plan wOrk at her mOm shOp, maybe immigrant and wont back here anymOre (∩∩)
Even me and them just met up few times, but, alsO have abit sad fOr that.
Here wishing her Happy Bufday and goOd luck all the blast :)


07 May 2011


Hi all readers \(_)/
First time I jOin this cOntest at faceboOk cause can earn mOney, but need based at least 200 peOple "like" above just can get the Payment for every single like(#-.-)/r  I thrOugh its is easy, but need require friend tO help is not easy to me. I just felt will annOying Other peOple Or my friend.  ̄﹏ ̄
But nO chOice, I already jOined, regretING.(_")
sO... I knOw YOU're viewing this pOst, DO me a favOr? \( ̄︶ ̄)/
Yes^^ easy step. just click belOw website and press like tO suppOrt me.
1) 古域
2) and then click On my photO 
BefOre 10 may 2011 6pm will clOse.
Thanks you very much♥(╯◇╰)

02 May 2011

Homedec@Flyer Girls

May 1 and 2.
First time I wOrked at hOmedec Fair. Thanks my friend called me tO wOrk, cOz the payment is On the spOt ^^ I just distribute the flyer of one roOf design and Vanadium design company.
I really blur blur ( ̄▽ ̄@)  and make sOme mistake #(┬_┬)!

This 2 day let me felt baffling (_")
sOme peOple make me Laugh cause they did big shame thing.
sOme peOple make me swt ε()3|| cause just wan spy the cOusin and steal my profile pics at faceboOk.

updated anOther pOst → Cooking day@Western Lunch
and click the belOw advertisement to have a loOk. :)