13 June 2012

13 June 2012

Say belated Hi to June! I love summer, how could I wish that the time stop at here, because the time is flier pretty fast, I just cant get enough to enjoy my life.

Have a enrich life recently. Is good for me that I wont have the time to think stupid thing too much.
But have one question that I always ask myself, even until now I still finding the talent and interest thing of myself.

Seriously, I have no talent on study, dancing, singing, spots, act, IT or else. Some of my friend have been found their interest to be the way their are.What does I have?

我长的不漂亮,又不会说话,没有一技之长,不聪明又迟钝。不会讨人欢喜,存在感很低。偶尔还会乱发脾气,没事还喜欢宅在家里,守着电脑就能过一天。二货 吃货 睡货 腐女。这就是我。



1 comment:

  1. Jiayou....talent of you will reach you soon....good luck...and wish you all the best...
