Well, back tO Our tOpid, tOnight simply celebrated farewell party fOr Sam at Market place club (friday is gay pub) had abit disappOinted cause just have few custOmer, Din't meet any 'GaY' ppl :( We just drink beer, chitchat and then back hOme, but I dOn't really like drink the beer, cause alOt gas lead my stOmach feeling nOt well. But we still have fun, sOme my friend was drunk and make sOmething let me laugh xD
Of cOurse taken pics too↘
Ji Mui gang
The only boy whose have 'Eason chan' hair is Sam
When reach hOme already felt dizzy and sleepy, but still need rush my tutOrial questiOn, and lOt assignment, aiksss~ :(
Sam, wish yOu all the best in singapOre ya, Bon voyage*
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