04 September 2011


First time be a part time receptiOnist in these two day which is lOcate at Bangsar. Working hOur is 10-6pm, provide lunch, jObscOpe is just answer the phOne call and guide the custOmer to register. If nO custOmer can sit at there. LOL simple jOb right? sum mOre NO need wear high heel and make up.︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

It is a show unit sales gallery Of high standard cOndOminium, selling price is from RM930k onward per unit. OMG~ but it is really luxury and aesthetics design and environment. If I have ability, I will purchase tO investment tO get huge prOfit, muahahaha (Dreaming  ̄▽ ̄"')

 Well, I get a great experience tO knOw abOut the prOperty little mOre.

I was watched Final DestinatiOn 5 at Wangsa Wall at night with my friend. FOr me, is nOt really hOrrOr and Thriller, but it is put sOme black cOmedy and different stOry cOmpare tO last few episOde.
Survivors of a suspension-bridge collapse learn there's no way you can cheat Death.

Okie, gOing tO play my game and sleep, Good night.o(Z_Z)o

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