04 October 2011

Vivian Birthday Celebration

Since Neslo Birthday, she decided revenge back fOr Other BaOBei birthday, this is nOt my idea, but it gave us a 'Good' memOries (′`)(′`)

At first, we cheated her gO tO swimming, other was at Mary's hOuse prepared the SteambOat and plan given a surprise tO her.

Now started the first plan : Egg Attact. Together thrOw the egg tO her, but I just be camera Girl, loOk at them, sO enjOy bully the birthday Girl. Hahaha ~ \(")/\(")/ *RUN*

 Pity xiao shan shan
Assault Successful! ^^
Lets start Our steambOat party!

Game time: 007 Bang! lets drunk! a lot funnies thing while we playing this game.

Cake time!
Second plan, Cake Attact. Throw the cake at Birthday Girl,
finally harm at themselve 

Birthday Gal was nealy mad and crazy, cause that day she is feeling nO well, swimming, bath twice time and eat the ice-cream cake. I think this is the mOst unforgettable birthday for you right? Yeah! we wanna remember us Forever! hahaha O(_)O

 Picx time :

 20th Happy Birthday ya^^
you can plan nOw for the other birthday tease. hahaha. 
Always stay lengleng, relax and happy always. lOve ya, muackssx

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